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Hajj Stats

Hajj :

Since 2015 , Nazer / Hussain Mohammed Al Shareef eliminated the old selection process and made it Transparent and opted to utilize the Hajj committee system to identify pilgrims from the 43 districts under Nizam State – comprising of three states of Telangana , Maharashtra and Karnataka and in particular the Aziza category pilgrims.

Those applied and selected by Haj Committee automatically becomes eligible to the Draw of Rubath Nizam Hyderabad, thus eliminating the old system of applying process. The HCOI system provides the list of those who have applied and got selected and hailing from above Nizam State through Aziza category comprising of around 3,500 pilgrims plus , which shall then automatically be subjected to Selection in presence of Nazer obtaining the HCOI system for Draw, being the most transparent and reliable process.

This also enables the hajjis free stay approval without a need to reapply or to approach any offices thus automatically being selected and intimated via newspapers and exempted from the RAS accommodation scheme of the hajj committee.