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This all started in Late 60’s, almost 59 Years Before, when H.E.H The Nizam Mir Barkat Ali Khan Mukarram Jah Bahadur who took over from his Grand Father in 1967 as the Mutawalli.

During the Reign of King Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Aal Saud, it was announced that any Properties belongs to Foreign National in Saudi Arabia shall require to be registered either of following or should be sold within a set Deadline:

1. WAQF General (Aam) Run by KSA Authorities
2. WAQF Private (Khaas) Run by An Appointed Nazer who should be a Saudi National At the same time H.E.H The Nizam VIII, appointed Janab Shareef Mohammed Advocate who was not only a Saudi National but also Descendant of Ashraaf e Makkah and was LEGAL ADVISOR to Petroleum Minister with background of Hyderabad as a leading Criminal Lawyer.

At the time, none of the WAQF Sites were in possession of Nizam and instead had several litigations and Complex due to illegal possessions by many families occupying these properties complicating the process and Further poor documentation as such made it very difficult . After a Spade work by Late Nazer Shareef Mohammed Advocate with a lot of efforts managed to clear and remove the illegals and Acquired some of those properties and based on the Power of Attorney issued to him by H.E.H The Nizam, managed to Register few of them as WAQF and gave a rebirth to these properties.

Thousands of Hajis from Nizam State were given Free Accommodation as per the Condition of WAQF from 1969 till his Demise in 1996 for almost 27 Years. After his Demise, his son Janab Hussain Mohammed Al Shareef was legally Appointed by the Royal Court of Makkah Al Mukarrama in 1996 to continue the services. At the time, all the WAQF were under the expansion of Haram Shareef and required another spade work to retrieve these WAQFS and again given a Rebirth with tremendous efforts and managed to start accommodation with 100 visitors a year and later increased the number of pilgrims availing free accommodation pre covid  reaching to 5,000 Average Visitors a year in 23 Years period. Last Year under the RAS accommodation exemption scheme of hajj committee.

On Average, each hajj pilgrim saved individually an amount approximately 47,000 INR. Last year total 1278 hajjis benefitted from these Waqfs with the savings of 6 cores rupees only for Hajj Season and this year with the continuous efforts of Nazer shall continue to provide free stay to 1,223 Pilgrims for Haj 2019.

1) Umrah and Ramadan: Introduced the online system allowing pilgrims to obtain the stay permit instantly without any complicated process of approaching and applying through offices in Hyderabad. With this system, the Pilgrims can obtain instant approval by sitting at home.

2) Hajj :Since 2015 , Nazer / Hussain Mohammed Al Shareef eliminated the old selection process and made it Transparent and opted to utilize the Hajj committee system to identify pilgrims from the 43 districts under Nizam State – comprising of three states of Telangana , Maharashtra and Karnataka and in particular the Aziza category pilgrims

Those applied and selected by Haj Committee automatically becomes eligible to the Draw of Rubath Nizam Hyderabad, thus eliminating the old system of applying process. The HCOI system provides the list of those who have applied and got selected and hailing from above Nizam State through Aziza category comprising of around 3,500 pilgrims plus , which shall then automatically be subjected to Selection in presence of Nazer obtaining the HCOI system for Draw, being the most transparent and reliable process.

This also enables the hajjis free stay approval without a need to reapply or to approach any offices thus automatically being selected and intimated via newspapers and exempted from the RAS accommodation scheme of hajj committee .

It is worth mentioning that both the process of obtaining permission to free stay for Umrah and Hajj has become so transparent and simple that the deserving guest of Allah from the Nizam states avails the facilities at Rubath Nizam Hyderabad, Makkah al Mukarramah hassle free. Nazer Janab Hussain Mohammed Al Shareef took all the efforts to achieve what was right in the interest of the deserving pilgrims to avail these facilities. In addition to the free accommodation the Nazer is in process of obtaining permission for individual Kitchen for Hajis to cook as Central Kitchen got rejected by Authorities due to located nearby Haram, unlike Azizia.

Following were the additions included in the Rubath services ( Pre Covid )  considering the situation of hajjis during the stay who have less efforts and expenses:
1) Laundry of cloths free of cost
2) Provisioning of iron boards
3) Free liquid soap
4) Free Internet
5) Free Wheel chairs Available
6) Air Conditioned room with 3 lifts in each facility
7) Housekeeping facilities
8) Bus service to and from Haram
9) 24 hrs reception to meet all the demand and requirements between Hajjis and mutawuffi / Mualims
10) Location ID cards with Maps and dedicated telephone numbers to assist Hajjis
11) Zam Zam water on each floor
12) Prayer area
13. Free ziarath of all important places before going to Mina

Since this recent change in Selection process ,Nazer introduced additional system to create a link with Indian Hajj Cell where by the selected draw list gets synchronized with Indian hajj cell who allocates the buildings and Moulim enabling no leakage to the system and ensuring that any cancellation is replaced by selecting from the priority list as per priority number.

It is also expected that the years to come the Nazer is committed to increase the capacity till it reaches to the time where all the Nizam state Hajjis will be accommodated and served food without any draw.

Throughout this journey Nazer Hussain Mohammed Al Shareef was supported and guided by his mentor Mr. Zahid Ali Khan and was blessed with his support. Not to forget the Wisdom, Blessings and support of Nawab Khairuddin Ali Khan Sahab and Hon’ble Home Minister, Janab Mohammed Mahmoud Ali Khan Sahab who coordinated with Nazer for the Transparent Draw system.

Definitely, all this ajar shall go to the family of H.E.H the Nizam starting from Nawab Afazluldawla who purchased these properties in 18 Century and later in the year 1967 H.E.H Nizam Mir Barkat Ali khan Muraram Jah Bahadur took over the inheritance; who in his time through Shareef Mohammed Advocate had made these properties as Wafq for pilgrims coming from the Nizam state registered at Royal court of Makkah Al Mukarrmah.


Rubath Nizam Hyderabad is committed to increase the capacity in future till it reaches to the time where all the Nizam state Hajjis will be accommodated.


Rubath Nizam Hyderabad aims to provide distinguished spiritual experience for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrims by facilitating & simplifying free stay in Makkah.